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European Architectural History Network Conference 2020


Submission Format:

Proposals in English of no more than 400 words including a session or roundtable title should summarize the subject and the premise. Please include name, professional affiliation (if applicable), email address, and a current CV.

All proposals and CVs should be contained in one (2 page) document which you should upload as a PDF file, after completion of the Submission Form.

Submitting your Proposal and CV

1. Please complete the Submission Form. Leave the Abstract Text box blank. All other sections must be completed.    

2. You will be allocated a Submission ID which will enable you to upload a pdf file.

3. From the Openconf Homepage, select upload files.  Once you have uploaded your pdf file, you will recieve an email confirmation.

Please email the chair if you have any queries.

Since late submissions cannot be considered, it is recommended that proposals be submitted and their receipt confirmed well before the deadline. The General Chair cannot be responsible for last-minute submissions, electronic or otherwise, that fail to reach their destination.

Sessions and Roundtable proposals will be selected on the basis of merit and the balance of the overall program. Additional events may be organized by the Scientific Committee, depending on the response to the following call for papers. Should a chosen proposal be found in an identical format in a different conference, the Scientific Committee reserves the right to withdraw this from the programme.

General Information
Author 1
Contact Author
Author who will serve as the point of contact for correspondence about the submission.
Alternate contact information, such as personal email address or telephone number; used only if unable to contact using above email address.
Topic Areas
You must select this topic.

Please enter a password you will remember. The submission ID, which you will receive via email upon submission of this form, along with this password will allow you to make future changes to this submission.
Please check over your entries, making sure everything is filled out. When ready, click on the Make Submission button below once.


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